How you know you’re a real dog trainer &/or dog-owner enthusiast

It’s been a while since I’ve blogged and the tone has been serious. So, on this lovely fall morning I thought I’d bring back some of the delight and humor that goes along with being a trainer and dog-lover. I’m sure there are many more we can add to the list!

How you know you’re a real dog trainer &/or dog-owner enthusiast

  1. You’ve eaten pieces of hot dog you cut up for training treats. Uncooked.
  2. You wash your hands before you go to the bathroom.
  3. You don’t own black clothing (unless you exclusively work with black dogs).
  4. You would never think of paying over $100 for a rug.
  5. Your dryer lint typically has treats enmeshed in the brick of fur you pull out.
  6. Car detailers won’t return your calls.
  7. You can never find a pen, but your bag is full of clickers.
  8. Your dogs eat a more expensive diet than you do.
  9. You’ve taken crates to car dealerships to see if they fit in a potential new vehicle.
  10. The idea of a dog-free vacation is both alluring and a little frightening.


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